Friday, September 13, 2013

Updating iDevice from a downloaded build

To pick a downloaded build and update the iDevice instead of restoring it, click on "Update" in iTunes  with "Alt /Option" pressed. This will pop up a file selection dialog that lets you pick the build.

Monday, January 21, 2013

NSMetadataQuery, NSSortDescriptor & iCloud

It looks like one cannot use NSSortDescriptor on NSMetadataQuery when querying for files from iCloud on iOS. Wanted to sort on the modified date and tried using the sort descriptor but the descriptor does not seem to affect the results. Cannot find any documentation on whether it is supposed to work or not. Finally, I had to manually sort the resultant array using [NSArray sortXyz..], which works fine.

Int size on Apple Watch (watchOS)

  Even though Apple Watch chipset is 64-bits, Int is still 32-bit. To get 64 bit behavior you have to explicitly use Int64 https:// jeffver...